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Leading With Emotional Intelligence

Stanley McChrystal, delivers a compelling TED talk titled: Listen, Learn, then Lead. Through his entertaining delivery, the viewer experiences what it is like to be a paratrooper, to experience the shift of the military environment after the attacks of 9/11, and to successfully adjust and craft a winning leadership model grounded in Emotional Intelligence. (Memory […]

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Emotional Intelligence Boosts Team Performance

        Nowhere is the importance of Emotional Intelligence more obvious than in team dynamics and team performance. To be clear, team in this sense, is a group of people organized to work together to accomplish a common purpose for which they have shared accountability.   Effectively combining the individual talents of team members will […]

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What Is Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

Emotional Intelligence. It is a term that was popularized by Daniel Goleman, an internationally known psychologist who lectures frequently to professional groups, business audiences and on college campuses. His book, Emotional Intelligence was on The New York Times bestseller list for a year-and-a-half and has sold more than 5,000,000 copies worldwide. The essence of his […]

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BREAK THE PATTERN: Conquer The Obstacles That Get In The Way of Achieving Goals

Goals are like sparkling jewels. They glitter and glow from the energy they instill at their inception. They are our bright ideas inspired by books, music, movies, ideals, caffeine, or alcohol. We daydream and envision a future when goals become reality.   Excitement sets in! Then the hard work of implementation begins. Many are thrown off-track […]

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Team Diversity Produces Greater Results

Recently the news media has carried articles highlighting a trend in workspace management toward “collaborative” workspaces, i.e. public workspaces, without walls, partitions, or privacy.   While the obvious impetus for this trend is expense reduction, the benefits that are specifically noted and touted include increased communication among associates and teammates, inspiration and innovation. But will this […]

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So You Think You Are a Leader?

You have people reporting to you – does that make you a leader? Technically, and according to Webster and Google, the answer is yes because you are the person that directs, (commands, guides, etc.) a group or organization.   But Webster and Google need updating.   A better definition today is this: Leadership is accomplishing change through […]

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Career Satisfaction & Employee Motivation: Some Common Elements

The topic of employee motivation always draws attention, whether it’s the chosen topic of a speaker, a blog topic, or brainstorming at company headquarters.   Similarly, the topic of career satisfaction is front and center with many professionals that are looking to strike out from their current job.   These two topics are, in actuality, the same.    […]

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