Your personal brand is what others “see” when you interact with them. You may not be aware that you have a personal brand, but when you connect with someone, they react with emotions just as much as logic (if not more). Your core principals, values, ethics and mindset shine through. After all, isn’t it true […]
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The Good, Bad and Ugly of Personal Brands
Let’s start with the Good. Tributes and memorials to John McCain recently dominated the news for weeks. The word most used to describe him was Maverick. Close behind were many more accolades such Hero, Patriot, Courageous, Honest and Likeable. What a wonderful footprint to leave behind. He was a leader and role model who […]

How to Improve Your Likeability at Work
Whether you work for a small company or a large one, whether you are in management or an entry-level position, gaining the respect of your coworkers is a smart career move. Respect and likeability go hand-in-hand. Build a strong foundation for your career path by including respect and integrity in your personal branding. These tips […]

Connecting Brand and Purpose
Your personal brand is what others “see” when you interact with them. You may not be aware that you have a personal brand, but when you connect with someone, they react with emotions just as much as logic (if not more). Your core principals, values, ethics and mindset shine through. After all, isn’t it true […]

Your Unconscious Personal Brand
One of the nuggets of Emotional Intelligence is that our emotions stand between the data that our senses absorb and the rational part of our brain that processes this data. We know this instinctively, unconsciously. How we react to a message has a lot more to do with the messenger than the message. If we […]
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