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Confront The Brutal Facts

  In his bestselling book Good To Great, Jim Collins and his team of researchers identify 5 common characteristics shared by companies that make the leap from just being good to being great.   Of these 5, my personal favorite is #3 – Confront the Brutal Facts. It is impossible to make good decisions without first […]

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Time Management: What’s Behind Your Choice?

  Time Management is a phrase that is linked to stress. Merely thinking about it can create a negative mindset that starts a downward spiral of thoughts and feelings. It is a universal problem that is getting worse rather than better in our fast paced, technologically advanced, super-connected world. A google search of “time management” […]

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The Allure of Multitasking

We have all engaged in multitasking. After all, we live in a fast-paced world where the competing demands for our attention outstrip the time available. For me, the mental image that leaps to mind is participating in a conference call while checking and responding to e-mail – or participating in a phone conversation while continuing […]

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Time Management – Don’t be a Victim

Time management is a universal problem in our fast paced, technologically advanced, super-connected world.   At some point, nearly everyone feels stressed-out and overwhelmed.   Sooner or later, our attempts to control time by multi-tasking and making detailed schedules exhausts us.  How can I better manage time is inevitably a question that comes up in coaching conversations.   […]

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